
jeudi 31 août 2017

Add a Quick Settings Display Mode Tile to the Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+

Samsung’s OEM ROM software comes with hundreds of additional features on top of stock Android, and there are a ton of of quick settings tiles for some of them. However, those of you on the Samsung Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+ may have noticed that a display mode quick settings tile is missing, so there’s no easy way to change between Adaptive Display/AMOLED Photo/AMOLED Cinema/Basic.

For that reason, XDA Assistant Forum Admin the_scotsman has put together a guide to create a quick settings tile to switch between these modes yourself. This method does require root as you will be writing to a kernel preference file to change the display mode. You will also need to have Tasker installed to create the custom quick setting tile, but the guide itself is quite easy to follow and walks you through the entire process of getting this working.

Guide to Add Quick Setting Display Mode Tile

from xda-developers


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