
jeudi 29 décembre 2016

Android N-ify Development Ceased by MrWasdennnoch and Main Contributors

Developer MrWasdennnoch and the two main contributors paphonb and Maxr1998 have announced that they will no longer be developing the popular Xposed module Android N-ify.

MrWasdennnoch reminded users that updates have been sparse over the last few weeks with his last commit being over a month ago, and he gave several reasons as to why he was ending development including that he has lost interest in the module since developing the notification design and animations. He has also recently flashed a Nougat ROM, meaning he has no need for the module anymore, coupled with the fact that his role in development is “boring and repetitive”.

“I basically have to decompile every SystemUI, find the issue and try to fix it or work around it. Fixing such an issue can take up multiple days because you have to install the new version, reboot, test it and report back. Different time zones can slow it down even more. And with every new feature, there comes a flood of new bugs and incompatibilities which want to be resolved. People posting duplicates or insufficient information (or just completely stop responding) don’t help either. Then, as I just mentioned, there’s the “problem” with Xposed that you have to reboot the phone every time you test a change, and if I’m not sure how something works or how to fix it it takes up multiple hours in which I basically just wait for my device to boot up” – MrWasdennnoch

There is good news however: he will not be shutting down the build server meaning that if anybody else wishes to make changes to the module everybody will be able to get them. Moving on from N-ify, the module is not his only app/module and with his newfound free time, he can spend more energy developing other projects.

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from xda-developers
via IFTTT .

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